One small success! I planted twelve courgette seeds in this egg carton and all twelve have germinated! I need to keep them inside until they have five or six leaves then they get a few nights outside before finally being planted.
Last weekend I also planted carrot and beetroot seeds outside. My salad box has started growing and there are radish leaves up. (I hope I will also get some radishes this year.) Stand by for more news! I am hoping that I will grow a green thumb this year as well.
Yay! The boys and I planted flowers and not all of them came up, but most of them did. I didn't know about waiting until they had a certain amount of leaves and then setting outside a bit - some of them died when they were transplanted but most of them are doing well.
Hi Sare - not too much laundry -- we travelled so light. Only one load actually for everything. :) Your plants look good. Congrats on being officially British!
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