Friday 19 November 2010

camping "holiday"

I just got back from a week's camping with 180 twelve year old students. We were there to expand our horizons, try some new things, and have active fun. Actually it was exhausting for the students, and not that exhausting for me. The camp was run by a group of youth leaders and they did all the work while I admired the view. :)

But then I got sick and ended up spending two days at home, lying on the couch and moaning a bit. Eventually I recovered, thankfully, and made it back to camp. Sadly I missed the best parts of the week--the hiking, kayaking, and gorging. Maybe next year?


Anonymous said...

I didnt know you camped??

Sarah said...

Sonn, you are right that I am not a big camping fan. My parents took us camping so much that I didn't like it after I left home. But because I was sick I got to stay in the little cabin instead of a tent.