A lot of the sight seeing we have been doing centres on the harbour; it is so beautiful! On Saturday Micah and Anna took us to Manly Beach. We went there on the ferry and then we bought some fish and chips and walked along the beach. It is not really warm enough for swimming but there were quite a few people surfing. When we were coming home on the ferry the sun was setting.
Today Ant and I went out for a walk; first we took the train to Circular Quay, where all the ferry wharfs are. The best view of the harbour, Micah says, is to be had from the train station. The view here is from across the platform.
We then took a ferry to Cremorne Point and started to walk along the point. We saw some stunning buildings and very lovely gardens. We saw these beautiful flowers.
And we also saw lots of sailing boats.
And to finish, here is a photo unrelated to the harbour. On Saturday evening we went for a very enjoyable game of Australian rules football at the Sydney cricket ground. It was so much fun! I was astounded. The game was very close and we all lost our voices from cheering and hooting.
1 comment:
Great pic of you an Micah. I love all the pics. Makes me want to go to Australia... with no kids! Guess that will have to wait for a while. :)
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