After a long week it was a relief to not do too much today. In fact, looking out over the balcony was as close as we got to actually going outside for much of the day. Ant and Mum and I pottered around the house--I started some files of all our recent paperwork and Ant called (over and over) about our TV installation today. In the end the TV and some cable were hooked up and Ant is much happier.

Matt and Bree came over in the early afternoon and we sat around chatting and eating. It is sad that Bree is leaving soon--but we understand since she is keen to get home to her family before Baby J is born. (Funny aside: We now have the same couch in our flat that Matt and Bree have in theirs; it is a very comfy sofa bed.)
Sare, are M and B visiting? or do they live in Japan? I vaguely remember something about this. PS I hope he out grows the tub fear... in the meantime it is sort of funny.
Hello Sonn, Matt and Bree moved here in November. But Bree is pregnant and she leaves to go home to the US to have her baby in a week and a half. Matt goes soon after. But did you know that Rich and Karen live in Japan now? I think that is what you are thinking of. More reasons to come visit?? :)
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