It's reflection time. What has been good about 2006? I'm thankful to God for loads of things.
Ant's successfully completed degrees
A new job at a better school
Ant's new job
Sonya's baby girl
Mentors at work to help me
A few new friends (from the book club and my new job, for example)
Keeping in touch with old friends
God's continued faithfulness
And here are some goals for 2007.
Learn better how to keep in touch with friends and family
Read the Bible all the way through (with the help of a book called Cover to Cover)
Stay fit by riding my bike a lot (not going to be too hard), work out on Thursdays at school
Find some new friends and deepen some current friendships
Save some money
Attend weddings of dear friends (will involve saving money)
Look after myself a bit better (like going to the dentist)
Prepare my classes further in advance and get my marking done on time (this is a hard one)
This is not yet a complete list. I haven't had enough time to think about it properly yet.