Sunday, 15 October 2006

religious clothing debate

Recently in the news we have been hearing about a British Airways employee who has been asked to hide her cross necklace under her uniform. She is threatening to sue the company. They allow hijab and turbans, and they are discriminating against Christians in their request. Have a look at the debate on the BBC website. Many people have commented, including Muslims showing support for her. One has pointed out that many Christians think it is Muslims who are against their religious expression, but the commenter believes it is the atheists that are driving the anti-religious feeling. The employee has stated that she feels a particularly anti-Christian sentiment at work, not simply anti-religious.


Anonymous said...

There is a lot of negativity happening towards Christians these days, especially in this country. However, there is a lot happening that we would disagree with, too. For instance, there is apparently a news story about planning to build a mosque as the largest building for worshipping in the U.K. Now, I am not usually one for being this strict with my Christian beliefs, but since when was the U.K. a Muslim country??? I could debate this for hours, but I just think that such things are not needed; it is just their way of trying to look better, which is dumb (especially because I had to teach children recently about deliberately trying to look religious in front of others).

But yeah, going back to this story, I think it is especially dumb. Keep the cross on, girl! I have mine on! =:-)

Anonymous said...

Actually the airline had a strict no jewelery rule, but this woman continued to wear her cross necklace and so was consequently suspended. It sounds like she is using her faith as an excuse.