Thursday 20 September 2007

bring thankful

I was reading today about being thankful. I used to record eight things I was thankful for every day in my prayer diary. That was a good habit. The article I was reading today suggesting thanking God for troubles and challenges as part of my routine as well.

I'm thankful for my new tutor group of eleven year olds. I find them challenging since they need a lot of guidance. But I appreciate that they are eager to do well at school and they don't misbehave maliciously. God, help me to get to know them more and to deal with them fairly and kindly.

I'm thankful for my second year at my school. I have a lot of prep work from last year that is going to pay off this year. I'm thankful that it's a good school where everything runs quite well. God, help me become an even better teacher this year.

I'm really tired at the moment due to a heavy schedule at work every second week. Thanks, God, for getting me through this week. Thanks for this challenge. Help me to stay healthy and keep things balanced at work.

I'm thankful for the new flat we will be moving to (in a week and a half's time!). We're really thankful for the bigger size--two double bedrooms and a third smaller bedroom that we'll use as a study. God, please help our transition be a smooth one.

I'm thankful for our friends, Chris and Tam. Sadly they are leaving to go home to Sydney, Australia in about a week. We love eating, walking, and relaxing with them. God, please help them settle into a new routine and help Chris find work. Thanks that you already have that lined up.

I'm thankful for my family, and especially for my brother, Paul, who is now astoundingly old after his birthday yesterday! God, please may this be a year of blessing and growth for him.

1 comment:

Kevin, Sonya, Claire & Max said...

This was a nice post Dare! I may have to steal your idea! How are things. Have not seen or talked to you in so long... still dont know where or why your moving? We are in the process of waiting to see if we will move to Australia or BC. Cant wait to know and go! Miss you S.