Thursday 27 September 2007

moving house

Ant and I and Matt all have tomorrow off for packing and then we move on Saturday. Tonight after work ant and I packed up all the clothes, towels, blankets, and linens and here they are! We are getting rid of these terrible wardrobes (there are built-in closets in our new place, and these old ones are listing to one side).

And here's the stack of archive boxes waiting to be used. They are completely blocking our little front corridor.

Our land line will be inactive after Saturday. We'll be getting a new number about ten working days later--shocking! But our mobile numbers are still good.

More news as events warrant. Our internet will also disappear after Saturday, unless we can strike a deal with our neighbours to borrow wireless. Otherwise, we will be without internet for about four weeks. Sob!

1 comment:

Kevin, Sonya, Claire & Max said...

looks like fun Sare. All I can say is, "been there" and will be again soon no doubt.