Monday 7 May 2007

a good use for €10

We were away in Salzburg the last two nights with Matt and eight others (his former work colleagues). We were staying at a little hotel in North Salzburg and they had a brilliant continental breakfast for €10. On Sunday morning I definitely got my money's worth. I ate a bowl of granola with yogurt, brown bread with cheese, half a croissant, a Babybel cheese, a bowl of cornflakes with milk, a cup of coffee, a glass of orange juice, cucumber, tomato slices, fruit salad, berry yogurt, another bowl of granola with yogurt, two halves of hard boiled eggs, and a glass of mandarin juice. Breakfast is truly the best meal of the day and I can eat it forever!

More news after I get my photos onto my computer.

1 comment:

Kevin, Sonya, Claire & Max said...

Sare - nice that you could get out of town for a bit -

I was about to call you a lazy blogger but there, youve been away.

Thanks for the posts. I never meant to become domestic - I just have lots of time on my hands.


PS Cant wait to see you in June at Rich's wedding. Are you on facebook?